Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hello Again!

Well it has been a long hiatus and I am not too happy with myself for taking the time off but I have really needed it. Over the next few weeks I will try to catch you up to speed on my life. I look to do this in part by saving you my long winded explanations and posting lots of photos!

Also, WELCOME TO MY NEW DESIGN, I was tired of the boring layout so I'm trying something different, let me know how you feel in the comments!

A few things to look forward to...

California Pictures
"The Skydive"
Senior Design Begins (Another Blog to follow!)
and of course


And on that final note I want to include an ad that left me impressed with the company that made it for the first time in my life.
So take a look at the Windows Phone 7 Phone Series Phone 7 'Windows in Your Pocket' Phone OS 7.....