Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hello Again!

Well it has been a long hiatus and I am not too happy with myself for taking the time off but I have really needed it. Over the next few weeks I will try to catch you up to speed on my life. I look to do this in part by saving you my long winded explanations and posting lots of photos!

Also, WELCOME TO MY NEW DESIGN, I was tired of the boring layout so I'm trying something different, let me know how you feel in the comments!

A few things to look forward to...

California Pictures
"The Skydive"
Senior Design Begins (Another Blog to follow!)
and of course


And on that final note I want to include an ad that left me impressed with the company that made it for the first time in my life.
So take a look at the Windows Phone 7 Phone Series Phone 7 'Windows in Your Pocket' Phone OS 7.....

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Glad to have you back. Hope life is fast paced and fun. Unfortunately we didn't do well with pictures in CA while you were here... but I'd be glad to see the other photos you got.
    Keep blogging is educates your followers and putting thoughts into words forces you to think about them even more.
